Introducing the Architecture Services Model

Can you break down the connected functions of Enterprise Architecture and Solution Architecture into a clear set of services? Each can have its own processes, methods, tools and templates, deliverables. Each can be taught, or delivered on your behalf by a partner. Imagine a model where there is clarity on who is doing what, and what is expected, even how much each service costs.

I’ve long thought that architecture is presented as a dark art, only understood by a select few after decades of experience. Of course experience is vital, but this cannot be used as an excuse for not articulating what we do, why we do it, how we do it, what is delivered, who is involved and how much effort is required. I can’t pretend to have every answer, but I’ve made a start, with the Architecture Services Model.

You are invited to take a look. Whilst the detail is only available on request, feel free to walk around the model. Let me know what you think. Missing something you expected? And if you’re interested in exploring it in more detail, reach out to me.

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